IN Groupe will attend ID4Africa 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya
We cannot wait to meet you in Nairobi on the occasion of the ID4Africa 2023 exhibition!
From May 23rd to May 25th, IN Groupe and its affiliated brands SPS, Surys and Nexus will welcome you to our stand H2-01 and to you introduce our new projects and our latest innovations.
What will be showcase during ID4Africa event?
- Sovereign IDs
- Digital identity & services
- ID Securities and our SPS and Surys’ secure components
Don’t miss our 2 conferences lead by our CEO, Didier Trutt and our EVP Identity Yann Haguet
Day 1 (PS2-S4): Afternoon 15:00 – 18:30 The European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet: Enabling the ecosystem for interoperability of trust
Presented by Didier Trutt, SIA Chairman and CEO IN Groupe
Day 2 (PS3 Part 1) Morning 08:30 – 10:15 Physical and Digital Identity: Innovation as an accelerator for a sustainable identity
Presented by Yann Haguet EVP Identity IN Groupe
Would you like to already book an appointment to arrange an on-site meeting and request a demonstration?
You have a project and you want to know how we could support you?
Please ask us information@ingroupe.com we will reply shortly