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  5. Integrity and compliance

Integrity and compliance

IN Groupe's aim is to constantly build on the Company's strong values to ensure the evolution of its renowned expertise and core businesses, which require Ethics, Rigour, Compliance and Security.

Control Mechanisms

Internal controls

  • Align internal controls with the organisation and its objectives, commitments, and risks, using the COSO Framework as a reference
  • Uphold a culture of strong internal controls by engaging the support of networks within the Business Units and support functions


  • Within the GDPR framework: a specific interlocutor for data protection – the Data Protection Officer (DPO) – securing of data, guaranteeing the exercise of rights and information in regard to citizens , personal data protection.
  • With regard to the Sapin II Law, IN Groupe has implemented a system in compliance with this law. This includes, among others, a code of conduct integrated into its internal regulations, training and awareness programmes for employees, as well as an alert system. The alert system is available on the page:

Visit the alert platform



  • The IMS (Integrated Management System) offers a method for managing processes to best meet the expectations of the Group’s customers, while guaranteeing an approach of continuous improvement to achieve operational excellence.
  • In order to meet customer expectations, IN Groupe has earned certifications attesting to the application of standards and regulations to its processes (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, MasterCard, Intergraf), as well as to its products (for example, the RGS/eIDAS qualification).

Risk management

  • The Risk Committee is composed of members of the Executive Committee. It steers an evaluation and management system for controlling risks. This ensures the full independence of functions relating to governance.
  • The mapping of risks and opportunities is regularly updated, thereby contributing to the Group’s decision-making and operational processes and thus helping it achieve its strategic objectives.
  • This enables it to provide the best possible support for those customer and partner projects with common missions to IN Groupe.

Internal auditing

  • Numerous independent and objective audits are carried out internally.
  • They have resulted in the creation of a charter describing the principles of internal auditing in accordance with audit standards and Group values, as well as an audit plan covering the Group’s compliance with laws and regulations, and an evaluation of its internal controls and risk management processes.

Current certificates, labels and charters

IN Groupe's aim is to constantly build on the Company's strong values to ensure the evolution of its renowned expertise and core businesses, which require Ethics, Rigour, Compliance and Security.

Since 2007, IN Groupe has based its Sustainable Development approach on its integrated QSE-IS (Quality-Security-Environment and Information Security) management system, which has earned the following certifications, labels and charters:


FSC Certification

Obtained in January 2010

Renewed in 2015, 2019 and 2023



PEFC Certification

Obtained in January 2010

Renewed in 2015, 2019, 2022 and 2023


Marque Imprim'vert

Imprim'vert Mark

Obtained in June 2007

Renewed yearly


Agrément SIAF

SIAF certified for keeping physical public archives

Obtained in 2019


Obtained in 2020


Charte de la diversité

Diversity Charter

Signed in 2007


Afaq NF K11-112 Logo

NF K11-112 Certification

Obtained in December 2007

Renewed in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022


QSE Logo

Consolidated QSE certification

ISO 9001 Logo

ISO 9001 Certification

Obtained in 2007

Renewed in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022, and 2023 (including Nexus


ISO 14001 Logo

ISO 14001 Certification

Obtained in 2011 and renewed in 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022


ISO 45001 Logo

ISO 45001 Certification

OHSAS 18001 obtained in 2013 and renewed in 2016

Switch to ISO 45001 in June 2019 and renewed in 2022


Certificat ISO 27001

ISO 27001 Certificate

Obtained in January 2019


Logo certification ISO 37001

ISO 37001 Certification


MasterCard Certification

MasterCard certification for the IN Groupe' site in Rousset, SPS subsidiary


Group Ethics and Values Charter


Group’s Anticorruption Code of Conduct


Group Charter for Responsible Lobbying

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ISO 27001

Certification for the IN Groupe brand, Nexus.

Obtained 2017
Renewed in 2023


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Common Criteria

Certification for the IN Groupe brand, Nexus.

Obtained 2020


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Certification for the IN Groupe brand, Nexus.

Obtained 2019
Renewed in 2023

Multilevel nouvelle image

Ecovadis 2023

Green Certification

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Banknote Ethics Initiative (BnEI)

Banknote Ethics Initiative (BnEI) is an initiative established to provide ethical business practice, with a focus on the prevention of corruption