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We help governments assert their sovereignty

Globalization and the intensification of trade between countries and continents, along with the accelerating economic, social, and mobility needs of citizens and businesses, represent unprecedented hurdles for countries.

Faced with this new situation, which affects how they exercise their sovereignty, governments must evolve and adapt to meet these challenges: securing borders, recognizing and protecting citizens, ensuring data privacy, and modernizing governance.

As part of this transformation process, IN Groupe is committed to working alongside governments as a trusted partner to support them in their day-to-day missions and help them to assert their sovereignty.


Ensure citizens can exercise their rights with confidence

Protect state borders and territories

Guarantee citizen and state data privacy and confidentiality

Facilitate smooth and easy access to public services


Our solutions, products and services

Financial systems & devices - IN Groupe
Financial systems & devices - IN Groupe
Citizen identities and credentials
Professional identities and credentials
Travel and mobility
Integrated document services
Secure Financial Ecosystem

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

National ID cards

Passport Issuance System 

Visa Issuance System

IN Wallet

Credential Management System

Mobility Inclusion Card

Electronic Passports

Protect information and privacy with digital PKI certificates

For Trust Service Providers (TSPs) having a powerful and compliant PKI platform is critical to enable its qualified electronic certificate services. There is a constant push for digital services from the citizens but governments need to ensure that the issued digital identities can be trusted. This applies even more with the ever-changing and more challenging cyber threats. solutions need to be future-proof.

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Protect citizen identities with secure National IDs

We at IN Groupe are experts when it comes to designing and manufacturing identity cards for citizens. And in modern identity card schemes contact and/or contactless chip technology is embedded in the card to combine the physical identity with a trusted digital identity for the citizen.

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Secure the passport issuance process

Our modular passport issuing solution can be adjusted to your requirements. This comprehensive solution covers every step: enrolment, authorization, personalization, and delivery of passports.

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Issuing and controlling travelers' Visas

From capturing necessary information to issuing a Visa, our systems give us control over the entire process. 

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A secure mobile digital identity solution 

IN Wallet is a multifunctional digital platform enabling the digitization and storage of personal credentials for both long-term and short-term use. Such credentials include government-issued identity documents, vaccination certificates, as well as a potentially vast choice of credentials based on self-sovereign identity technology.

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Manage the full lifecycle of your citizens' physical and digital identities

The uses for citizen identities are evolving. Initially limited to physical checks with a static document, they are tending towards new needs such as proof of identity or rights in the digital world. These new uses require new systems capable of managing dynamic digital identities and their hosting systems (smart card or mobile).

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Mobility Inclusion Card: Making everyday life easier

The French Mobility Inclusion Card (CMI) is designated for people with disabilities and is issued in France by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and through the departmental homes for people with disabilities.

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Design secure & functional ePassports

Our e-passport solution meets the expectations of the issuing authorities. From document fraud analysis to support during the launch phase, IN Groupe offers certified components and project support services to design secure, functional, and attractive travel documents, within the imposed deadlines and budgets.

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Government Employee card

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

IN Wallet

Health Professionals

Financial users

Workforce Identities

GO Cards - Employee cards as a service

Identifying and authenticating holders

IN Groupe offers public services and various government-related organizations the option to equip their employees with an identification card or a strong authentication solution to provide them with optimal security.

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A comprehensive platform for certificate management for your Workforce and Workplace

Digital Transformation and Zero Trust concepts require trusted digital identities. Issuance and management of trusted identities, mitigate risks, ensure compliance to regulations, and restrict access based on business needs. Trusted identities for employees can be used to securely access facilities and digital resources, sign documents, encrypt e-mail, and more.

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A secure mobile digital identity solution

IN Wallet is a multi-functional digital platform enabling the digitization and storage of personal credentials for both long-term and short-term use. It delivers powerful trust technologies, designed to reduce the risk of identity fraud and improve end-user privacy and control over personal identity information. 

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Identifying Healthcare Professionals on the move

For many professionals, physical identity cards present frustration and lack of flexibility as they need a smart card reader to authenticate themselves. For healthcare professionals, having a mobile digital alternative to the physical card enables them to provide quality and secure service while on the go.

The mobile digital credential, e-CPS, gives healthcare professionals the flexibility to work from various locations and be on the go while still having a secure way of identifying themselves.

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Secure digitization with trusted identities for authenticated access

IN Groupe offers versatile multi-factor authentication solutions that help ensure that only authorized users – customers, partners, agents, and employees – get access to the right services. Trusted identities are leveraged for passwordless authentication to digital resources, digital signatures, secure access control to facilities, and more.

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Adopt zero-trust with PKI-based workforce identities

The zero-trust strategy is rooted in the principle that every user, device, and application should be verified before granting access. As such, strong and verifiable identities are at the crux of implementing a successful zero-trust security model. 

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Get going with cards as a service

Cards as a Service (CaaS) enables organizations to issue multifunctional identification and access cards for their employees without the hassle of complex, locally-installed software & hardware systems. This service enables quick and easy ordering of cards, key fobs, and accessories. Receive your cards and accessories personalized, encoded, and ready to use. 

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Hub Pro Transport

Passenger Identity Management Platform

Crit’Air – Air Quality Certificates

Pre-check Kiosk for Border Control

Central system for travel control

Secure Tachograph Card Management

The Hub Pro Transport platform is a complete (software, hardware, business services), feature-rich, and mobile-friendly platform that covers the entire tachograph card management chain. It enables transport companies and ministries to benefit from an advanced solution to get the most out of their resources and optimize business operations.

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Automation for improved passenger experience

IN Groupe's Passenger Identity Management platform facilitate smooth management of passengers' travel-related data. It incorporates the biographical, biometric, and travel data of people who pass through your airports, seaports, and railway and bus stations during their journey.

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Supporting environmental commitment through Air Quality Certificates

European requirements for exhaust emission reductions require identifying vehicles according to their pollutant emissions. In France, vehicles in specific regions are required to have one of six certificates, each corresponding to an emissions classification. IN Groupe manages the entire process of issuing these air quality certificates – from online application to printing and shipping. 

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Improving the passenger experience and border control efficiency

Border control authorities face a complicated challenge: coping with the exponential increase in international passenger traffic without compromising your pressing security needs. Our Pre-Check Kiosk solution consists of a self-service kiosk that travelers can use to complete an initial stage of verification. 

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Improve border management to facilitate secure entry and exit

Securing access to your country or territory and controlling the flow of migration present various challenges. A central entry and exit control system that allows authorities at the borders to ensure surveillance of all access points to your borders on a national scale at the same time as detection of fraud and overstaying on your territory

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Processing User Accounts

Electronic Registered Letter ERL

Secure Desktop Publishing  

Smart Verify

Single Piece Mail

Processing User Accounts

Whether at a counter, at a service terminal, by post, online, or via a mobile phone, IN Groupe handles the procedures for processing user accounts, within the framework of a state identity or an identification system.

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Save time and modernize your procedures with Electronic Registered Letter

100% dematerialized, IN Groupe offers an electronic registered letter (ERL) service that allows you to send a registered letter without going anywhere.

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Secure Desktop Publishing: Complete document management

The Secure Desktop Publishing solution offered by IN Groupe enables full management of your documents. Desktop publishing makes it possible to merge computer data (variables) with paper documents such as invoice templates, purchase order templates, and more.

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Seamless trusted verification of credentials and documents

Verifying government or professional credentials and documents can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. IN Groupe delivers secure service for organizations and authorities to verify documents and rights, help prevent fraud, meet regulatory requirements, and deliver a frictionless user experience.

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Industrialize outgoing post

Single piece mail refers to the stream of letters and mailings that, because they are generated gradually by companies and public services, elude industrialized and automated production. In order to prevent senders from having them stamped at the single-piece rate, IN Groupe offers an electronic approach.

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Financial Users - Customers & Workforce

Know Your Customer (KYC)

Financial Systems & Device Security

Electronic Components for Secure Transactions

Optical Components for Banknotes​

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Secure digitization with trusted identities for authenticated access

IN Groupe offers versatile multi-factor authentication solutions that help ensure that only authorized users – customers, partners, agents, and employees – get access to the right services. Trusted identities are leveraged for passwordless authentication to digital resources, digital signatures, secure access control to facilities, and more.

  • Identities for customers & partners
  • Identities for the workforce
  • Managing trusted identities as-a-service

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Customer Identity Verification (KYC)

IN Groupe enables companies an avenue to simplify requests, speed up the process, and fight fraud with a Know Your Customer (KYC) solution that is compliant with the regulatory and privacy requirements. It is a reliable and efficient tool to help control documents by verifying their origin, integrity, and validity.

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Enable PKI-based identities for all financial systems & devices

Adopting identity-based security that relies on PKI allows for trusted authentication of all systems and devices. It also enables encryption of all communication and transactions within the network to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Our PKI platform for devices and IoT helps financial institutes - central banks, financial banks, and insurance and asset management firms - to leverage the immense benefits of deploying PKI identity-based security while optimizing operational and administrative efficiency.

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Electronic Components for Secure Transactions & Payments

Our technology guides those in the secure payment industry towards the world of contactless payments and a digital economy. In the transport sector, our solutions make the transition to widespread use of contactless payment cards simple. we guarantee reliability, security and compliance with regulatory requirements, whilst enabling personalisation and differentiation of payment and fare cards.

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Ensuring the authenticity and value of your banknotes

Confidence in the value and authenticity of a currency and ease of control is essential to a well-oiled economy. Our subsidiary, Surys, a global benchmark in optical security solutions, French leader in the document security and traceability market, and a pioneer in optical-digital authentication, designs, develops, and industrialises visual solutions adapted to the sophisticated challenges inherent to banknotes.

The attractive designs, clear visual effects, and ease of control are key features that allow Surys to offer a range of advanced technologies based on years of expertise. Our solutions can be integrated into all types of media: paper, multilayer, and polymer.

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Protect information and privacy with digital PKI certificates

Public key infrastructure (PKI) provides a comprehensive security mechanism that enables strong authentication, email encryption, digital signing and secure payment applications. PKI provides people, software, and devices with a digital identity, and provides the means for managing and validating these during their lifecycle.

Our solution is an easy-to-scale, high-security platform for issuing, managing, and validating certificates for consumers, citizens, employees, communication services, software, and equipment. Compliance with standards assures that certificates can be used across networks and applications from different vendors in a large-scale federated environment.

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A global player in the world of digital identities

IN Groupe is committed to the security of identity and property, defending a fundamental right: the Right to Be You.


We defend your right to be You!

IN Groupe is a global leader and specialist for identity and trust solutions. With nearly 500 years of experience, we offer state-of-the-art identity solutions and secure digital services that integrate electronic, optical, and biometric technologies to the French government.

IN Groupe, along with its affiliated brands, provides comprehensive solutions that address all identity challenges faced by public and private enterprises to guarantee that everyone can benefit from digital transformation in a simple and secure manner.

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The Right to Be You  

IN Groups helps people, organizations, and governments to secure their identities through physical and digital solutions.

IN Groupe worldwide

IN Groupe is a worldwide company with offices in Africa, Asia, North America, and South America which enables close customer support. 

Leading specialist in identities

IN Groupe develop innovative solutions, physical and digital, for governments, organizations, and citizens to assert their respective sovereignties.

Handling data security for global companies

IN Groupe is a leading specialist in identity and secure exchanges while also handling data security for global companies.