Our corporate responsibility
IN Groupe is committed to ensuring the sustainable development of our business. The group therefore makes every effort to preserve the balance of ecosystems and improve society as a whole. Our work focuses on various ethical, social and environmental projects. Discover the Group Sustainable Development Policy
Our commitments to society, employees and customers:

Being a corporate citizen
We have stood the test of time by acting ethically, with integrity and transparency, and by offering solutions that have a positive impact on society. Today, we are proud to acknowledge our 500-year-old heritage. We contribute to regional development, for example by using local suppliers, facilitating the integration of young people and employing people with disabilities.
Adopting an eco-responsible approach
The essence of our eco-design approach is to take into account – and thereby reduce – our environmental impact at each step in the development process of our products and solutions. This approach is founded on our goal to limit our environmental footprint. How? By adapting our operating methods and our industrial and technical facilities.
Preparing for the future
How do we prepare for the world of tomorrow? By continuing to offer the best technology, as we have been doing since our creation, and imagining solutions that are accessible to everyone and which anticipate societal changes and new needs, while supporting the digital transformation of our customers.
Cultivating confidence
Building confidence means creating a climate that is conducive to the fulfilment and development of everyone’s potential. It means empowering teams so that everyone can work independently within their particular perimeters. And it also means advocating the practices of listening, sharing, and respecting differences, as well as promoting diversity.
Sharing a common goal
It is by virtue of its collective strength that the company can grow and achieve its objectives. Essential to this is the company’s practice of sharing its vision and strategic direction so that everyone feels they are part of these.
Growing together
Sharing our expertise, continuing to develop our skills, evolving – both individually and collectively – recruiting new talent, encouraging new initiatives... and not forgetting those small daily improvements and systematic feedback that help us progress together.
Mobilising ourselves for the customer
Putting ourselves in the customer’s shoes is the most effective way of connecting with their expectations. What are they looking for? Products and services that are easy to use, without compromising on security. Customers like to discuss their needs and appreciate that we always do our best to understand and support them – throughout our relationship.
Being a trusted partner
In order to move ahead with us, the customer needs to feel confident. This is a good thing for IN Groupe given that trust has been part of our DNA since our creation: we’ve always known how to protect the data entrusted to us. So, since we have it in us, we are able to inspire confidence while remaining true to who we are: authentic, available, reliable, understanding and attentive.
Aiming for customer excellence
That sparkle of gratitude in a customer’s eye is not something that can be decreed. Gratitude is earned when we show the customer that we are always willing to improve and to take their feedback into account. This is how we can meet – and even exceed – our commitments to customers.

Developing a long-term social policy:
IN Groupe strives to develop employment opportunties, knowledge and skills. The implementation of an internal recruitment and mobility policy, combined with different training programmes, help to strengthen expertise and ensure that skills are constantly upgraded. The Group is also committed to ensuring the greatest possible equality of treatment between employees.
Since 2015, the Group has been committed to a policy of professional equality. It guarantees equal treatment in terms of recruitment, remuneration, career development and training (by selecting recruitment agencies that share the company's values, increasing the total female recruitment ratio by 3% per year, etc.).
In 2023, the Group achieved a gender equality index of 84/100.
IN Groupe also promotes measures supporting parenthood, in particular by making CESU (Universal Service Employment) vouchers available for childcare.

Including the environment in different processes:
IN Groupe practices the recovery of waste, develops renewable energy and favours eco-responsible partners. The Group has implemented numerous measures to limit the environmental impact of production processes and production residue. The printing of documents requires the use of different types of products that need to be disposed of responsibly. With this in mind, a discharge agreement with the Douai municipal wastewater treatment plant was established in order to dispose of this waste.
Appropriate procedures and equipment are systematically used to limit the risk of solvents spilling onto the ground. And finally, the disposal of waste generated from the Group's activities is carried out in compliance with relevant regulations, by means of on-site recovery and waste sorting by approved service providers. IN Groupe is investing in new technologies that are more energy efficient and that use fewer raw materials. The company’s purchasing policy enables it to improve its environmental footprint by favouring partnerships with eco-responsible service providers and suppliers.

Improving the Group’s social impact:
IN Groupe would like its activities to leave a positive socio-economic footprint. In order to energise those regions where it is present, as well as support the creation of jobs, the Group favours the recruitment and training of apprentices or interns.
In addition to offering employment, the Group also wants to develop a sustainable ecosystem. Its responsible purchasing policy ensures that ethical assessments are conducted on all parties involved in particular agreements before any commitment is made.
IN Groupe and its Atelier du Livre d’art et de l’Estampe
The Atelier du Livre d’art et de l’Estampe workshop constitutes a living, tangible heritage that IN Groupe has maintained in operation through its own funding. Founded in 1640, the workshop is rooted in the history of typography. It holds a collection of 700,000 engraved items, including 500,000 Latin and Oriental punches – which have been classified as historical monuments – and a specialised library holding 35,000 volumes dating from the 16th century to the present day. Considered to be the world’s oldest printing shop still in operation, it embodies the savoir-faire of IN Groupe, a modern company with its sights resolutely set towards the future and new technologies, and that is constantly reinventing itself amid the creative confrontation between tradition and modernity.