Issuance Equipment
In order to meet our clients’ challenges, IN Groupe is supporting them at the heart of their decentralisation strategy. With its complete range of printing and laminating solutions and associated services (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology), two needs are fulfilled : a Real-time personalization and a high-quality document issuance. Passports and ID cards are ready to be released to citizens after a few minutes “over the counter” thanks to our Issuance Equipment – and Reinforcement of Sustainability : one-upgradable-versatile single material.
This state-of-the-art packaged solution fully accompagnies the governmental and public authorities in their search to better serve locally their citizens, with on-spot issuance.

The high performance Laser & Inkjet passport and ID card personalization system
For Polycarbonate datapage booklets or National ID Card, an Unique Compact & Easy to use all-in-one desktop system : laser engraving, one-pass color inkjet printing & chip encoding. Time-efficient, scalable and versatile, through the add-on module on the P4000 – ideal for local authorities or mobile personnalisation stations. To issue National ID Card, an add-on optional module is available (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology)
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Hilam R2000/ A2000
For paper booklet, an unique design to maximize day-to-day personalization throughput. A full surface high efficiency press lamination, with high steady quality thanks to an Even-quality Positioning Temperature Pressure and glossy-rendering vivid holographic effects – the perfect laminator for highly secure travel documents in your personnalisation centers (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology)
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Hi Print P4000
For paper booklet, the high performance color inkjet printing & chip encoding solution -
Compact & Easy to use, Smart one-pass personalization process to maximize security, quality & efficiency, this is the unique on-site scalable laser source option, enabling smooth migration from Paper to Polycarbonate datapage – ideal for local authorities or mobile personnalisation stations (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology).
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Associated Services
Warranty extensions, product customization, training & knowledge transfer to ensure a smooth on-boarding for local authorities.
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