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  3. Secure components for Polycarbonate ID Cards

Secure Components for Polycarbonate ID Card

To guarantee a counterfeit-proof ID, IN Groupe provides a full and comprehensive range of secure components for Polycarbonate ID cards :

  • Electronic features with Inductive Coupling™ (based on SPS IN GROUPE technology) (module / antenna / pre-personnalisation services),
  • Combined with optical security features with our DID™ (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology)
  • May you choose an on-the-spot issuance, IN Groupe makes it possible thanks to CompactCube printer equipment (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology).
  • In addition to physical identity solutions, our Dual Interface module (based on SPS IN GROUPE technology) allows to easily create a Digital ID, using the NFC functionality of the smartphone to access eServices.

Our products in videos


A fully integrated DID™ shape with wave & virtual effects spread over personnalised information

French ID Card 

A DID™ Shape with wave effects DOVID

Captiva Wave VIRTUAL

Animation of a DID™ Inlay coupled with wave and striking 3D positive relief illusions

Mont Blanc
CNI FR Components
wave virtual


DID™ Shape

Large size DOVID made of several components dispersed on all part of the card to form a consistant overall design to protect more personalised data.

DID Shape

DID™ Inlay

Plain patch covering a limited part of the picture and/or personnalised data.

DID Inlay

Dual 8 customised Module (CMI+ ™)

A security feature Level 1 & 2, done by etching process, easy to control and to recognize but difficult to reproduce.

Dual 8

NFC-ready Copper-S-LAM™

A certified inlay, based on a copper-wired antenna designed to be NFC capable. Very robust and reliable to enhance security.

Image pour le NFC



A non-metallic transparent reflective effect constiting in a permutation between two reflective colors (R/G), upon a 90° rotation of the document in its plane (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology).

Composants sécurisés pour cartes d'identité en polycarbonate

DID Wave / Virtual™

The latest generation of DID TM effects – reinforced by new virtual animations and security (wave for 3D effects) (based on SURYS IN GROUPE technology).

Composants sécurisés pour cartes d'identité en polycarbonate

Inductive coupling

The eBooster® technology avoiding physical connection between micro-module and antenna for dual interface card : cost-efficient, reliable and increased card life expectancy (based on SPS IN GROUPE technology).

Composants sécurisés pour cartes d'identité en polycarbonate