MESH Transport & Logistic: Empower trust in digitalization
Information exchange is evolving in the dynamic world of transport and logistics, but challenges persist. Relying on paper documents creates inefficiencies, hindering seamless collaboration among industry stakeholders. Shippers, logisticians, carriers, and software publishers are entangled in diverse tools with the need for interoperability.
Embrace the future of transport and logistics with MESH – where innovation meets efficiency, and paper documents and certificates become a relic of the past.
IN Groupe offers a comprehensive, open, and interoperable ready-to-use solution and mobile application for all players in the Transport & Logistics industry. Our cutting-edge solution centralizes and manages data in a digital wallet, revolutionizing exchanges among shippers, carriers, and software publishers - with outstanding efficiency and security.

A reliable and secure digital identity
Provide all stakeholders in the transport and logistics sector with a reliable and secure digital identity. Enable secure authentication, fostering trust, and facilitating exchanges among industry players.
Inclusive digital services
Empower companies of all sizes, including VSEs/SMEs/SMIs, with seamless access to a diverse range of digital services
Contribution to decarbonization
Play a vital role in the industry’s sustainability efforts by facilitating modal reporting, offering shareable and trusted information, and supporting the collective journey towards decarbonization

Efficiency, security, and simplicity at the heart
- Interoperable ready-to-use solution
- Suitable for all company sizes
- Unified authentication for all services and systems
- Decompartmentalizing data exchanges between different information systems
- Empowering decarbonization

The trusted choice for transport and logistics operators
The MESH Transport & Logistics solution effectively ease the work for transport and logistics operators: Loaders, Transporters, Software editors.
- Unified authentication for all services and systems.
- Compliant with EU regulations and cyber-security standards (e.g., NIS2)
- Transmission of reliable, accurate information in compliance with business secrecy rules to enhance decarbonization efforts.
Secure authentication
Industry professionals can use the MESH Transport & Logistics Digital Identity to access diverse services without creating individual user accounts. This eliminates the burden of remembering numerous logins and passwords.
Onboarding Employees and/or Subcontractors
Transport companies benefit from MESH Transport and Logistics when onboarding new employees or engaging with subcontractors. The solution facilitates interfacing with unknown stakeholders, allowing easy verification of digital credentials.
Proof of transfer of loading responsibility
Service providers can seamlessly exchange proof of responsibility evidence across different information systems and business solutions. W3C-VC ensures readability and verifiability by all stakeholders.