Making everyday life easier with Mobility Inclusion Card
The French Mobility Inclusion Card (CMI) is designated for people with disabilities and is issued in France by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and through the departmental homes for people with disabilities (Maisons Départementales des Personnes Handicapées – MDPH). The CMI card replaces the former parking, disability, and priority cards.
IN Groupe’s solution for CMI management fights against fraud by ensuring real-time verification of the identity, validity, and rights associated with the card. Supported through IN Groupe's pooled e-administration platform, IN Groupe ensures the full lifecycle management of this secure card.

Simplified processes for both the issuer and cardholder
Shorter processing times
Optimized manufacturing costs
Fight fraud with a centralized database

Secure card data management
The platform enables the management of cardholder data and information for the cardholder, such as the status of an application.
Recipients can apply for any of the three-card types and be ensured of having a secure card. This is due to the card's real-time verification during the validity period and the associated rights connected to the card.
Verification is completed using the 2D-DOC or card number and using either the web portal or Smart Verify app.
Complete end-to-end management
IN Groupe’s platform supports end-to-end management of the Mobility Inclusion Card issuance process. Apart from secure production, it includes
verification of applications, updates on the application progress, and duplicate/copy requests, all managed within a centralized database.