For a faster and more secure border crossing
Acoording to IATA (International Air Transport Association), as of 2023, most regions are already at - or exceeding - pre-pandemic levels in terms of demand for air travel. And a growth of 3% per year is expected, quickly increasing the number of air travelers.
To make access to your country more secure and smooth, we recommend replacing traditional stamps with self-adhesive visas that offer a higher level of security, are machine-readable, and comply with ICAO and/or Schengen Area recommendations.

Secure your travel documents
High-volume production in a highly secure environment
End-to-end support for secure visa management

Secure your travel documents
We work jointly with the best national and international experts (Border polices, Interpol, IATA, ICAO...). We define with them the solutions to face the evolution of identity and document fraud. We select and combine state-of-the-art security features that will protect the travelers' data, based on the pre-determined security profile, available personalisation equipment, time, and financial imperatives.

State-of-the-art security features
- Complex backgrounds, rainbow printing, micro-lettering
- Use of offset printing with inks that react to chemicals or scratching, or inks that are visible only under ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) light
- Intaglio printing for tactile effects or latent images
- Paper with embedded security fibers and a glue formulated to adhere completely to the passport paper, preventing the visa from being removed without damage
- Holograms with different effects
- Traceability with a unique and secure identification number
High-volume production in a highly secure environment
Thanks to our experience in the field of secure identity documents and our top-tier industrial facilities, IN Groupe has been trusted with the management of manufacturing visas for numerous countries. We produce more than 20% of the millions of visas issued annually in the Schengen Area.
With biometric access control and in-house security teams, access to our production and personalization sites is highly secure and has obtained ISO 14298 certification (“Management of security printing processes”), at the “Central Bank” level.
With ISO 27001 certification, IN Groupe offers a very high level of data protection, enabling us, in compliance with the CNIL*, to personalize documents by encrypting citizens' biographical and biometric data.
*Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL - France’s National Commission on Informatics and Liberties).
IN Groupe offers end-to-end support for secure visa management
- Identifying the most appropriate physical features
- Creating a secure design and positioning holder data
- Sourcing materials and components or manufacturing them in-house
- High security printing
- Quality control and traceability at every stage and upon batch release
- Enrolment system for traveler's biographic data
- Personalisation by inkjet printing in the embassies or consulates, with machine readable zone (MRZ)
- Quality control
Support Services
- Program management
- Provision of checking tools and training for new documents
- New document referencing with international bodies